holy avenger avenging wrath macroholy avenger avenging wrath macro

The best players in every aspect of World of Warcraft utilize macros to improve their experience. Only usable during Avenging Wrath, Execute range (35% HP) or when Crusader's Fury is active; our Item - Paladin T17 Retribution 2P Bonus.HoW is the #1 priority Holy Power generator and hardest hitting rotation ability. d0tQcaGEauVeq6TOkBdqmtG0LjMnjDyKUju1VKs3MIEmO2ji7vSBfTFLAAOs)fq53qgiuAOqHbRsdxkoikPtRIJPW5GIwiqzPavlwQSCk9qaWtPAzkzDaKjIIAQimzsmDjxef6QaqptQ66KYgjvYwbq2ma12HkFKuPMfI(mGQHHkgjkY3OqJgLA8aXjjvnosfxJcopk45Q6UOQEnkXzeIanItWeJadabLqpEwjyey6gu94XZi4mRhkqRqeNGQkZ6Jp6hJ(XioZcGPAQvGgXzsuBIhhpf2IaiX(h08drGgHiqJ4TW0V2xEynrAVGWjwsbKZxpjBrTHCIueQc)9DXHRX(aTI3ct)AF1XWATcuF8wy6x7BVHEmneiUXBHPFTV8WAI0EbHtSK7Rjsbqp7dGl(7RoR(fqIdkc1a6X8uXhCIJb6l8uylkebAeVfM(1(YdRjs7feoXskGC(6jzlQnKtKIqv4VVloCn2hOv8wy6x7lpSMiTxq4elPaY5RNKTO2qorkcvH)(oW0OboPIZKqvsxCibML0fhmrTsxCWptGpsxCVKgDPnHRdAghd7bzpfdXbQWagw5)qeOr8wy6x77AWDXzfOv8wy6x7lpSMiTxq4el5(AIuaevT4VVCXuhJPIduHbWfvH(sisfNWEMSi1kDXbaKzhTcyXb)mb(kDXXWk4PWwuic0iElm9R9LhwtK2liCILua581tYwuBiNifHQWFFxC4ASpvCc7zYIuJ0LkvCVrG1ZCGaIH4SQvSr24S(WQsZr7XcMfnbyPtOwL44PtnQQ(zjwCYSoOzalvQea, am i just not seeing updates or something cause I dont have holy venger procs on any of those macros, Holy Avenger and Avenging Wrath are not included in the macro. Mattocks-sargeras December 6, 2020, 6:56am #3 was completely forgetting about the Holy Power cost - thank you! This boss swing timer will help you time your Holy Light casts with the bosses swings. On top of using Hyperspeed Accelerators nearly off cooldown, youll also want to make sure that you batch them with wings. So is a good idea to remove it and use it when you seem fit, but this Macro was made in the effort to make healing no effort a simple lazy spam, @Lovecraft_Gaming - so um i dont really think these are accurate if so then mine bursted for 278k on Maut and 350k on trash ? Click with alt to summon Golden Gryphon and turn Crusader aura up. WoG build is not shown here. 1: The Restless One (dir. #showtooltip I tried the following but it did not work. In PvE, most use you can get out of it is in pf. PS: Inquisition NEEDS to be with 3 charges of Holy Power. Using [noharm] will allow the macro to work off of friendly players and NPCs. However, you can replace the [Hammer of the Righteous] spells by [Crusader Strike] spells in the castsequence, if you find it necessary. Next it sees if you are holding down shift to determine whether to cast Flash of Light (default) or Holy Light (shift mod). This tracks three important procs that most Holy Paladins will need to be aware of:Darkmoon Card: Greatness is useful to track, as it can often be good to stack with Divine Plea. Making a macro Wiki Formatting Category:Macros UI Customization, /castsequence reset=30 Every Man for Himself(Racial), Impending Victory, Sunder Armor, Disarm, Raging Blow, Thunder Clap, Taunt, Whirlwind If Aura Mastery is AVAILABLE Activate AM for you AND (in 1 push for both) /yell to vicinity that "ABC Aura Mastery 6s" where ABC is: Change YELL in the macro to SAY if you want to not shout it, or change the function from SendChatMessage to print (and remove the 2nd argument) to only say it to yourself. Then I use Avenging Wrath and Aura Mastery together when the raid is taking alot of damage, Think it is more if you want to cap out Glimmer of Light or have it up more, Some boss fights will be good to have HA and AW together and other not. Tested: 3.3.5 User:guitarsslave 08.September.2011. Talents 1311311This macro contains 1 macro version. Note: Devotion Aura is my main spec aura and Concentration Aura is what I use for my secondary spec, replace the aura names with whatever combo you want. Use: If you are unmounted, it will mount you on a random mount and cast Crusader Aura. If your target is your friend, it will cast HoP on your target. Causes Forebearance, preventing the use of Divine Shield, Divine Protection, Blessing of Protection again for 1 min. You can also in theory shove in use commands to activate any trinkets you have but I find keeping things simple is often best. It will cast Avenging Wrath, use any trinkets you have equipped, Cast a guaranteed Holy Shock crit, and cast a Judgement, all in one button press. Macros for use with the Protection Paladin Build. use it if a party member pulls aggro from the tank on your current target). As-is the macro is 255 characters, which is why the messages are so terse. The following macro represents an alternative castsequence for the automation of GCD Rotation, where [Hammer of the Righteous] spells are replaced by [Crusader Strike] spells. It also keeps track of the duration of Avenging Wrath and Holy Avenger as bars above it. Holy Avenger. This macro will summon Normal Mount if flying is not allowd. Using Holy Avenger and Avenging Wrath/Crusade will not cause higher overall DPS but will provide more burst DPS in that window. ", For instantly switching between single target and aoe. do you have a macro for dps so i can have offencive holy shock shield of the righteous and exorcism on one button? To tank with these macros, simply spam the Main Castsequence macro while paying attention to its cooldown. Mem poprosi kod na weak aura na ten swing?? Wrath Classic Retribution Paladin Best Professions.. Wotlk classic best professions for paladin. Glimmer of Light - 1311311 This macro attempts to cast Avenging Wrath every time you use your Hammer of Wrath ability. Avenging Wrath and Holy Avenger both are on the GCD, Rule of Law is apparently not on the GCD. As of patch 3.0.8 all paladins were given the spell Hand of Reckoning, which is a single target taunt that deals a small amount of holy damage. | /cast Holy Avenger It works very much like the previous macro except it will mount you on a ground mount in Dalaran and Wintergrasp. Instructions: The mounts can be replaced or expanded using the names of the mounts in your pet tab. Avenging Wrath reduces the Holy Shock cooldown in half while active. It's long, so you'll have to remove the first line on Judgement spells. Never miss another Hammer of Wrath in execute range with this Retribution Paladin Wow macro! just leave the "" in the macro:) Increases all damage caused by 30% for 20 sec. This includes spells like Pain Suppression, Shield Wall and Guardian Spirit. Batched in with these mouseovers Ive included the lines /startattack to ensure that at every opportunity your character will be auto attacking to regain mana from Seal of Wisdom. #showtooltip Hammer of Justice/stopcasting/target [harm,exists] Illusionary Vulpin - The fox from the Mists of Tirna Scithe./target [harm,exists] Xira the Underhanded - The rogue from Theater of Pain./target [harm,exists] Hypnosis Bat - Shrouded Affix - Shadowlands Season 4./cast [@focus, harm, exists][@target] Hammer of Justice. --Credit: Spankytanky - Lightnings Blade - Horde 05:16, 20 May 2009 (UTC). This is most effective for "shockadins" (40/0/21 spec). if you /focus your tank, this enables you to make sure that your judgement always hits the target. Hello! Gillychrist-blackrock May 6, 2019, 12:27pm #1. The branch castsequences are like fillers. As on patch 4.0.1, Sacred Shield was removed. If Aura Mastery is AVAILABLE Activate AM for you AND (in 1 push for both) /yell to vicinity that "ABC Aura Mastery 6s" where ABC is: Change YELL in the macro to SAY if you want to not shout it, or change the function from SendChatMessage to print (and remove the 2nd argument) to only say it to yourself. This should work with 3.2 because it will only let exorcism go out if AoW has proc'ed but regardless of when your using it make sure there are no typos, im prone to those and they MURDER macros. #showtooltip Ashen Hallow(Venthyr)/cast [@cursor] Ashen Hallow(Venthyr)/use [spec:1] Potion of Spectral Intellect - Holy/use [spec:2] Potion of Spectral Strength - Protection/use [spec:3] Potion of Spectral Strength - Retribution//use Potion of Phantom Fire/cast Rule of Law, #showtooltip Vanquisher's Hammer(Necrolord)/stopcasting/use Apprentice Slimemancer's Boots/use 12 - Just for Ring of Collapsing Futures/use 11 - Just for Ring of Collapsing Futures/cast Vanquisher's Hammer(Necrolord)/use [spec:1] 17 - Just for Sepulcher's Savior (I would advise avoiding this shield unless you don't have anything with higher ilvl)./use [spec:1] 14 - Just for Resonant Reservoir in m+./use [spec:1] 13, #showtooltip 13/stopcasting/use Healthstone/use Phial of Serenity//use Cosmic Healing Potion/cast Summon Steward(Kyrian) - Careful if you are in Necrotic Wake and you are the only Kyrian./use Steward's First Feather/cast [spec:1] Divine Protection/use 13. You can link it with any spell you'd like. This Macro throws your whole rotation in one button! Lots of Paladin abilities are a double edged sword. Press to open the pet panel, choose the mount tab, then find the slot number that corresponds with the mount(s) you want to include. If none of the above criteria are met and your current focus is an ally, it casts Flash of Light on your focus. That means we would only benefit from it for our white swings (and SoB/C by proxy) as well as CS and DS. An incredibly useful macro that simply combines the Righteous Defense macro above and casts Holy Shield. Use at your own risk. Its still not working, the Uptime link does not work. Your email address will not be published. This macro will allow you to cast repentense on your focus target without losing your current target. http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sa&cn=H%C3%A1ji, Achievements, Pet Battles, and Transmogrification, Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft Online Cardgame. This could be useful if only one enemy is attacking an ally. Addons 2.1. Theres just a lot of outright omitted or neglected information here. Quick update, since I h=now have 28% haste, I lowered the loop count to 8, Bump Updated with a new version called HOLY_HEALS. 1. Imported by jdpb29. Ad blocker detected - This site is supported by advertising. #showtooltip Crusader Strike/cast [harm] Crusader Strike/stopmacro [harm]/targetenemy/cast Crusader Strike/targetlasttarget/cast Auto Attack, #showtooltip Avenging Wrath/cast Avenging Wrath/cast Holy Avenger/cast Rule of Law/cast Fireblood(Racial)/cast [@focus] Bestow Faith/use Potion of Spectral Intellect/use 14. FAQs This macro will on 1st key press summon mount, on 2nd it will change aura to Crusader and on 3rd it will dismount You AND change aura to Retribution. Currently at:",0.8,0.8,1) . Screenshots containing UI elements are generally declined on sight, the same goes for screenshots from the modelviewer or character selection screen. Plus, each glimmer is transferred to your Beacon of Light (though at the reduced AoE rate). Holy only if you are not holy skip this step) 4.Avenging Wrath. While mounted click with alt to unmount and turn spec:1 or spec:2 aura up. Talents 1311311This macro contains 1 macro version. Privacy Policy Level 45: Any ( Does not matter which) You can use it instead of the 939 Main Castsequence for single target tanking. Ive tried I think all of them but I dont really understand the small differences. #showtooltip Turn Evil/focus/cast [@focus, harm, exists][@target] Turn Evil/tm 7 - Marks the target with X. Avenger's Shield not silencing is a bug. You can also add in. 5.0.4 Tanking Macro Setup This can be used with any spell. The same mechanism can be applied on any ranged harmful spell such as [Repentance], and having [Fist of Justice] automatically works with this macro. 3.Divine Imulation (cuts all waste here after. Most people prefer to use these at specific times. "Judgment" - Ellesmere Gaming's macro. The same mechanism can be applies on any helpful spell, such as [Lay on Hands] or [Holy Light]. Cookie Policy The Consecration Aura can be replaced with the aura you normally prefer,if your mount is both ground and flying(, When you are on a non-flyable area, first click to summon Charger, second to cast Crusader Aura, Also, when you are on a flyable area, fist click to summon Red Drake, second to cast Crusader Aura as soon as you are flying, When you leave a non-flyable area and enter a flyable, click to summon Red Drake, As soon as you enter combat, click to dismount and cast Concentration Aura or Devoution Aura, depending on your spec, While you have Crusader Aura activated, click to cast Concentration Aura or Devoution Aura, depending on your spec. Minor glyph that reduces your hearthstone time by 50% during divine shield. Miguel Gomes, 2015) 1. Seraphim looks like a DPS talent, but it doesn't have much use Divine Purpose grants about the same damage bonus, and sometimes even bigger. Protection Macros. If you dont want to cast Avenging Wrath, just hold down a modifier button, like shift or control. You can make a macro to cast Righteous Defense if your target is an ally or Hand of Reckoning if your target is an enemy. Button 1 is left click and button 2 is right click. The goal is to have a cast land on the tank immediately following a swing, instantly topping them. Without this macro, Divine Favor + Holy Light will require two global cooldowns instead of one, making the Divine Favor worthless. There is no such glyph and even if there was you better not be using it. "Crusader Strike" - Ellesmere Gaming's macro. Macro-WoW.com is dedicated to providing the highest quality of macro content, guides, and news to World of Warcraft players. This macro is to be used when your party or raid is about to take serious raid/party wide damage, from and AOE and such. The spell works on whoever you may be mousing over, or if you are not mousing over anyone in particular will function as a regular heal/alt-to-focus-heal. Allows you to perfectly time your CD's right and allow you to lay down major damage while instantly healing yourself at the end of the rotation. We will often want to remove one of our cooldowns early, explained below. When a longer cooldown (2 sec.) Your email address will not be published. ElvUI Here, at Icy Veins, we use ElvUI for all our characters. If it's Exorcism or Consecrate, it won't even start attacking even if they are off CD. Shield of Vengeance. These are especially important. Thats where this macro comes in handy: cancel Divine Sacrifice (but retain Divine Guardian) if your health spikes. Such a design allows the automation of these GCD spells with a castsequence command. Lvl 90 Holding alt will apply buff to self. all of these are great except the timer for sacred shieldit doesnt appear to be lining up with the actual cooldown for some reason. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvhd4gybGUvhMQiwLZL8Mfg. Divine Purpose gives a chance to not place Holy Shock on cooldown when cast. If mounted will cast Retribution Aura and dismount. If you are not partied it will BoP yourself. #showtooltip [mod: shift] Avenging Wrath; Crusader Strike /cast [mod: shift] Avenging Wrath; [nomod] Crusader Strike /cancelaura [mod: ctrl] Avenging Wrath /startattack *Flash of Light combined with Exorcism (Ret proc based). If your next ability is on CD and you need to switch targets, just pushing the ability won't do anything until it activates. Note: in groups you'll burn thru your mana faster than you might want, because you'll be giving yourself alot of instant heals. Use: A macro to swap between one set of libram and seal and another. glyph reduces the cooldown of wrath by 50%. If possible, try to always spend your Soul Preserver procs on Holy Light. #showtooltip/cast Fleshcraft/cast Soulshape/cast Summon Steward/use Phial of Serenity/use [@cursor] Door of Shadows/run local G=GetSpellInfo SetMacroSpell(GetRunningMacro(), G"Door of Shadows" or G"Soulshape" or G"Fleshcraft"or G"Summon Steward") - A full list can be found here. To import my Uptime, Proc Tracking, and Pre-Pot WeakAuras, click here. While mounted click to unmount and turn spec:1 or spec:2 aura up. At the bottom of the text box, there's a scroll bar to see the rest of the macro. A preferable choice for mythic+ and raids. If unmounted in a non flyable area, will cast crusader aura on first click, Summon Charger on second click, You might want to proof-read your comments before posting them. Main Sequence: Holy Light, Light of Dawn, Crusader Strike, Holy Shock, Twitch: Twitch /cast [button:2,@player][help][@targettarget,help][@focus,help][@focustarget,help][@player] Flash of Light, Macros for use with the Holy Paladin Build. I'll take it. Terms Automatically pop the wings before shield toss, but can mouse right-click to cast shield toss without the wings. While holding Alt key, automatically pop the wings before Divine Storm, but can Alt + mouse-right-click to cast Divine Storm without the wings. "while affected by Avenging Wrath 50% of all damage caused bypasses damage reduction effects" 33% uptime on this?? Use this to time the perfect Hand of Sacrifice and to be more aware of your tanks well-being. /cast Holy Prism, then alternate crusader, TV, hammer, TV, crusader, TV, hammer, TV, when ur rdy for dmg, all 4 insta casts soon as u press it, and the GCD is perfect timing for the alternating crusader/hammer with TV between them, Your email address will not be published. #showtooltip Holy Shock/cast [@mouseover, help, nodead][exists, nodead][@player] Holy Shock/castsequence [@mouseover, exists, nodead][@target, nodead][@player] reset=1 Holy Shock, Consecration - I was experimenting, ok? With the extra characters, we can add a check to prevent dismounting mid-flight. Contact Us, By Racks in forum World of Warcraft Guides, By Hordelife in forum World of Warcraft Guides, By tashin in forum World of Warcraft Guides, By tashin in forum WoW UI, Macros and Talent Specs, By Newbs_r_us in forum World of Warcraft Exploits, OwnedCore- World of Warcraft Exploits, Hacks, Bots and Guides, Cheapest Bundle: VotI HC 8/8 + Normal + Mythic+15 for 9 / 15$ , Paladin Macro Exploit: Avenging Wrath + Diving Shield, If this is your first visit, be sure to #showtooltip /cast Avenging Wrath /use 13 Another helpful macro can be to cancel certain buffs. Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. The setup is effective under 4.0.6 and all earlier versions of Cataclysm. Just add and remove mount names in which you would like. Slayer of dragons. Infusion of Light should be used on Holy Light, but it is often best to spend it on an instant cast Flash of Light if you happen to be moving. Design When the mouse is over a living friendly target -> Righteous Defense on the mouse indicated target, When your selected target is a living friendly -> Righteous Defense on your selected target, When your target is unfriendly -> Righteous Defense on the target's target if it is living and friendly. Playing without this addon would be a mistake! Resurrect your target and warn the group. Dont worry, after a few minutes of fiddling with settings it will integrate perfectly into your UI. Use them to optimize how you use your cooldowns! ][Damage and healing increased by 0%. Sorry for the noob question, but there is any way to make this macros work with clique? Replace Holy Shield with this macro. You will want to combine trinkets with Avenging Wrath when playing a Protection Paladin. Just change Retribution Aura with the aura of Your choosing and name of mount with Your's. That was exactly what they were saying. Usually in Patch 5.0.4, we do not need to use [Crusader Strike] for single target tanking to hold a sufficient amount of threat, and thus the above macro does not cast [Crusader Strike]. CD 1.5 min. Deadly Boss Mods - This allows you to track boss abilities. Use: Casts Avenging Wrath and Inquisition increasing Holy Damage by 50%, Zealotry and Crusader Strike to recover all Holy Power lost in Inquistion. Zone sensitive random mounting with auras: Taking lessons from the Smart Mount macro above and using GoGoMount to reduce the number of characters required. Cookie Notice Whenever it is cast, it will immediately drop salvation. I would argue that having a clean, highly functioning UI is more important for a healer than anyone else. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Blessing of Dawn triggers when you reach 5 Holy Power and increases your damage and healing by 6% for 15 seconds. Call upon the Light to become an avatar of retribution, [causing Judgment to generate 1 additional Holy Power,][each Holy Power spent causing you to explode with Holy light for (13.5% of Attack power) damage to nearby enemies,][reducing Holy Shock's cooldown by 40%,]. Note: This macro no longer works as intended in 3.2, since /castrandom was changed to work like /castsequence. Casts the greater blessing if you hold down shift while clicking the button or pressing the hotkey, and the normal blessing otherwise. Talents I dont know much about macros so if someone could help me out I would appreciate it. Example, say you have a poison on you, this will eventually, but still quickly, cleanse you. How to use: Spam the main castsequence macro every GCD while keep on eye on its cooldown. /cast Avenging Wrath /use 14 "Cleanse" # . You must have one of these addons for this macro to use the timers. /cast [mod:alt,@player][help,nodead][help,nodead,nomod:alt,@targettarget][] Flash of Light. As it is designed for spamming, Bubi recommends the application of "console Sound_EnableSFX" and "script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()" commands to eliminate error sounds and messages. Allows the player to heal whatever focus targets (Ex: put focus on a boss and heal boss target). ], Apply Aura: Modifies Periodic Damage/Healing Done(22), Apply Aura: Mod Auto Attack Crit Chance %, Apply Aura: Modifies Effect #1's Value(3), Apply Aura: Mod Attack Power for every 'School' Resistance Point. During Avenging Wrath, each Holy Power spent causes you to explode with Holy light damage to nearby enemies. When a longer (>2 sec) cooldown appears, switch to Branch Castsequence 1 and use it three times before going back to the Main Castsequence macro. To save slots, keep using the 939 branch castsequences as fillers: Main Castsequence (ISH9, single target variation)[4]: Furthermore, you can use WoG build for 939 rotation to provide some self healing. #showtooltip/cast [talent:1/1, @mouseover, exists, nodead][talent:1/1] Holy Shock/cast [talent:1/2, @mouseover, exists, nodead][talent:1/2] Bestow Faith/cast [@cursor][talent:1/3] Light's Hammer. Ste. When you press it, it automatically marks your current target as skull: This macro automatically cast [Hand of Protection] on your target's target when your target is not your friend. Miguel Gomes, 2015) Another Miguel Gomes entry, another Amir Soltani dedicationfor an acquaintance that barely existed at the start of this decade that became a deep, dependable, much-valued, movie . Divine Purpose gives a chance to not place Holy Shock on cooldown when cast. Here you can find Guides, News, Tools, Forums, and more for WoW Classic, TBC Classic, WotLK, and Shadowlands! | If mounted, it will also dismount you and cast Concentration Aura. This macro will fire off any healing trinkets you have. This WeakAura helps you do just that. Otherwise if your current target is enemy, it will cast HoJ on your current target. The increase in Avenging Wrath duration as well as the extra holy power added onto Judgment really bolsters your holy power economy and allows you to keep 100% uptime on Shield of the Righteous. This WeakAura has DBM and Bigwigs integration to help you land the perfect pre-pot every time. You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! Level 60: Devotion Aura (Reduces the Damage taken, mostly pref for raids) This is a modified version of the above macro, here's what it does: As above, change the ability to the one you wish to use, this works with all of my rotation. To import my swing timer WeakAura, click here. According to Theck, it can increase approximately 1~2% of the threat over 939 rotation[5]. That is especially true for PvP, since macros allow you to simplify things like targeting, landing CC, saving space on action bars and so on. 2. airplay Send to Desktop App. In an effort to keep Wowpedia posts relevant, please re-validate and re-post macros that work in the current version. 100, Olive Branch, MS 38654; Home; About; Application Packages; Classes; Contact Us; Menu The appropriate spell will then be cast in the following order: (1) any friendly mouseover target; (2) if no mouseover target, it will cast on your actual target, if friendly; or (3) if no mouseover target or no friendly actual target, it will cast on you. Triggering this macro will guarantee you start attacking regardless of any cooldowns on your Crusader Strike button. Generate up to 5, seraphim, go back to 5, use wings. In this way the group needs to frequently marking skulls. Nov 11th 2018 [FFXIV Shadowbringers] 3 stars. I hope you find this useful. If none of the above criteria are met and you current focus is a enemy targeting an ally, it casts Flash of Light on that ally. There are also many other reported faceroll macros for MoP paladin tanking, but for the concision of this article, we forgo any further introduction to MoP paladin tanking faceroll macros as for now. These addons are essential for a Holy Paladin. By doing so, paladin tank players can better focus on positioning, threat, and damage mitigation instead of which spell to cast, as the rotation has been simplified into two elements: pressing of the castsequence macro, which generates Holy Power, and use of the Holy Power (by [Word of Glory] or [Shield of the Righteous], based on the situation). help. The idea is that those 2 castsequence commands will alternate to produce smooth mounting and aura changing. Here are some examples of some good Paladin class macros: Retribution: #showtooltip /cast [modifier: shift] Hammer of the Righteous; Crusader Strike . #showtooltip Judgment/cast [harm] Judgment/stopmacro [harm]/targetenemy/cast Judgment/targetlasttarget/cast Auto Attack. This is because you cannot help the NPCs in question, and a macro using [help] will fail. :). Welcome to Wowhead's Best in Slot Gear list from pre-raid content for Paladin Tanks in WoW Classic.. 2023 Magic Find, Inc. All rights reserved. . Either make 2 macros like this, and remove the FoL from your group macro, or edit the macro before and after each group. So, what are you waiting for? This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.5.5. Hand of Sacrifice is an amazing cooldown for mitigating tank damage. Because paladins are less caste sequence and more "first come first serve" using a /castrandom macro works quite well and is less likly to break then a castesequence macro, just hammer this key (or mousewheel it like spanky) and let it cycle through your abilities as it sees fit. If someones health spikes while you have Divine Plea up, its a good idea to use this macro to make sure you have the healing power required to save their life. Hey yall. If you use a Flash of Light or Holy Shock on your Soul Preserver procs, you will waste a small amount of mana. Details - This tracks DPS and HPS, but more importantly allows a healer to check how a player died. The talents listed are all directed at maximizing these casts: Rule of Law is in the Macro so that it will cast each time it is available, Use Aura Mastery and Avenging Wrath at your own times. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.6.51. When Holy Avenger and Avenging Wrath are active, it's possible to have up to 14 or 15 buffs of Glimmer on the raid. Automatically pop the wings before Verdict, but can mouse right-click to cast Verdict without the wings. We write this macro as the following: An action bar (the addon is Bartender4) with automation of GCD rotation macros, where button 1 is [Word of Glory], button 2 the macro "Automation of GCD Rotation, AoE," button 3 [Shield of the Righteous], and button 4 the macro "Automation of GCD Rotation, ST (single target).". Previous caveats other than flight dismount and length of macro apply, Macro takes dual spec into account (I was annoyed at having to reset my aura when in secondary spec). An average uptime on Avenging Wrath of 33% would be godly. This way you always know if youre on track to hit the perfect Holy Light at a glance.My cast bar is an edited Quartz, a cast bar addon. If you want to have these you will have to add them in yourself. Surface Studio vs iMac - Which Should You Pick? Prot Paladins can combine this into Avenger's Shield. In the ideal rotation, the casting sequence of GCD spells is static, while the use of [Word of Glory] and [Shield of the Righteous] is situational[1]. Also, I'm using ElvUI with no healing add-ons. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.5.3. Holy Damage Increase ::. Works in World of Warcraft patch 5.4 Siege of Orgrimmar, Mists of Pandaria Posted on: 09-21-2012 - Updated on: 02-01-2014 - viewed 24036 times Need help?

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