touching spirit bear quotestouching spirit bear quotes

All white. They'll never be happy until I'm dead, What you focus on becomes reality. I loved this story and can't wait to share it with my students this year! That was the only time the beaver ever came near. Cole learns to control that anger, and in doing so, he learns how to take responsibility for his actions and care for others. Nature is a pervasive theme in Touching Spirit Bear. People like Peters lady lawyer. We thoughtfully gather quotes from our favorite books, both classic and current, and Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. It is in this book the native Justice Circle teaches Cole how to cope with the hurt inside that pushed him to hate, and through the mystical Spirit Bear, he comes to terms with who he is and learns some valuable lessons. They hate me. Now it wandered out in the woods somewhere, the mauling little more than an inconvenience to its morning. So you think this is all his fault, huh? asked Edwin. Peter tires out, and the first thing Cole says to him is ''Are you okay?'' 'It's true,' he whispered. A while after the attack, the Spirit Bear tamely approaches and comes within inches of Cole's face. Make of it what you will. This was all somebody elses fault. There have been fewer than 100 incidences of black bears killing humans in the U.S. in the last century. Paramahansa Yogananda, quote from Autobiography of a Yogi, He so did not sit down and have a proper talk with her. Somehow I have to figure out a way to help Peter. (including. He is sent to an island in Alaska, completely on his own. Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. But also happiness. A while after the attack, the Spirit Bear tamely approaches and comes within inches of Coles face. This pond will help you., I just realized that Im not a bad person. Chapter-by-chapter summaries and multiple sections of expert analysis, The ultimate resource for assignments, engaging lessons, and lively book discussions. The boy has developed depression and has twice attempted suicide. Black(ish) Bears. Just as he is growing in his own process of healing, Edwin tells him that Peter Driscal, the boy he had attacked, is not doing well. He drives them to the dock and ferries them out to the island. Thats what I had to discover before I could heal, wasnt it?, Edwin smiled slightly and nodded. Finally, if he sees an animal, then that evening he must do a dance imitating that animal, to learn a lesson from it. Those who focus on anger will always be angry. 'It's true,' he whispered. Cole gains this major insight during his second stay on the island when he is troubled because he has not seen the Spirit Bear again. character, Despite this, Coles choice to approach the bear in the novel is a great example of what not to do when confronted with a bearthough black bears are relatively small (most weigh less than 300 pounds), theyre still capable of killing a human. This forgiveness isn't for you. Why wasnt the bear scared?. And I was never able to help those I hurt., Cole looked up, surprised. Edwin turned to Cole. He is routinely abused by his father and the abuse leads to a deep, constant anger that Cole can't control. It isnt enough to be sorry and forgive. Peter suffers head trauma, speech problems, and constant nightmares as consequences of Coles actions. 1. Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on Ben Mikaelsen's Touching Spirit Bear. I highly recommend you use this site! His love shows in his . Will the dispute be solved? offer you some of the highlights. They don't just work with the courts to banish young offenders to remote islands and be all, "Well, I'll be back in a few weeks to see if you're still alive! Those who focus on happiness will-" Create your account, 6 chapters | Cole tells him that he understands and that he'll do everything he can to help him and . | 2 As summer approaches, the boys continue to interact, with Peter continuing to be reluctant to forgive Cole. This forgiveness isnt for you. Cole wiped his sweaty hands on his pants. Garvey apologizes for getting Cole into this situation, and Cole responds by whispering, ''My fault. He nearly freezes to death in the Alaskan waters and retreatsthe first of several mistakes that result in him nearly dying. He is accompanied by two men of Tlingit Indian origin, named Edwin and Garvey, who are instructing him on the terms of his banishment to the island. He" Cole also learns to perform animal dances, using each one as a learning experience and then carving the animal into his totem pole. Nobody is, he said. He may not be ready to forgive you." "I don't care if he forgives me." Garvey rubbed the back of his neck, then glanced up toward the ceiling. He didnt trust anyone who wasnt afraid of him. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. there are only two things wrong with me-everything I do and everything I say. Animals feel the same way. He doesnt want to be mean; he just doesnt know any better.. All of life is a hot dog. The hair was white. In his efforts the reader gets to reflect on his or her own faults and analyze the anger or animosity he or she may be harboring towards other. Cole is such a well-written character, and all that he goes through is incredible. Cole lies on the forest floor clinging to life as a storm rolls in. Join today and never see them again. However, Coles parole officer, Garvey, saw himself in Cole and wanted to help him, so he convinced the local Healing Circle (a tribal form of restorative justice) to hear Coles case, resulting in Coles banishment to an island. After days he sees the Spirit bear and gets mauled (he deserved it). This time, though, Cole is prepared for change. Even so, the Circle Justice decides to give Cole a second chance on the island. Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4 Summary and Analysis. In the past, everything had always been afraid of him. ''You sure have a lot to learn about trust.''. Cole is profoundly moved by the bears peacefulness. Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides. Cole tried to gather his wits. Upon recovering, he finds that his mother, previously aloof and unable to denounce his abusive father, has opened up to him and agreed to press charges against his father. As the boys talk and eventually hug, the Spirit Bear appears, signaling that Cole's transformation is complete and that Peter's healing has begun. His own pain of being attacked and isolated on the island pales in comparison with Peter's suffering, and yet Cole requires Peter's forgiveness in order for his transformation to be complete. His latest crime? Unless Peter forgives you, he won't heal." Related Themes: Page Number and Citation 33 Cite this Quote He beats up one of his classmates, a boy named Peter, and as a result of this beating, Peter has permanent damage. It wasnt until college that a professor, intrigued by a writing assignment Mikaelsen turned in, connected Mikaelsen with a tutor so that he could learn basic spelling, grammar, and conventions. At first, he did this only to avoid jail. But also happiness. Cole blinked in stunned realization. As a child in Bolivia, Mikaelsen grew up speaking Spanish as his first language and experienced prejudice and discrimination for being one of the only white people in his village. The novel Touching Spirit Bear describes its main character, Cole Matthews, as ''an innocent-looking, baby-faced fifteen-year-old from Minneapolis who had been in trouble half his life.'' lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. He didnt start school until age nine, when he was old enough to attend the boarding school where his siblings went. Besides, this wouldn't have happened if Peter had kept his mouth shut.'' quote from Touching Spirit Bear, Animals can teach us more about ourselves than any teacher. He Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen is the story of an angry juvenile delinquent named Cole Matthews who is facing possible prison time for unleashing on a younger, weaker teenager, causing him . Mikaelsen describes. "He turned to Edwin. As Cole lies there dying himself, he realizes that as long as he is alive, he has choices. The storyline was well developed but was not too action packed. 'Do you deserve respect?' 'Yeah,' Dylan answered. By dawn, he's hanging on by a thread. When forced to confront Peter during Circle Justice after the attack, Cole thinks, ''It wasn't like he had meant to hurt anyone. He even tries to escape the island, but fails. Everybody carries anger inside. "Why live if you cant help others and make the world a better place?" The "magical wise Indigenous elder" trope is really, really problematic, especially when the author doesn't take the time to accurately represent the Indigenous culture theyre writing about. Cole has frequent flashbacks to his experiences at the Healing Circle that influence his thoughts and actions. Edwin and Garvey come to check on Cole, and find him close to death, with mosquitoes and decay all around him. He eats mice and insects to stay alive, and just as he is about to resign himself to death, the Spirit Bear returns to him. Instant downloads of all 1715 LitChart PDFs Detailed quotes explanations with page numbers for every important quote on the site. Besides, this wouldnt have happened if Peter had kept his mouth shut. A whale migrates but it doesnt have a homeI feel like the whale.. Lewis, quote from Perelandra, The poet is intimate with truth, while the scientist approaches awkwardly. Black bears are, on the whole, much less likely to attack humans than either brown or grizzly bears; they evolved to be cautious and generally avoid humans. All rights reserved. Cole is cynical, mistrusting, angry, and violent. Until then, Ill never be able to carve anything in the blank space. My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class., Requesting a new guide requires a free LitCharts account. You'll be able to access your notes and highlights, make requests, and get updates on new titles. Theres a lot you can learn from it. - You'll be able to access your notes and highlights, make requests, and get updates on new titles. Rather than backing up out of fear, ''a lifetime of hurt, a lifetime of proving himself, a lifetime of anger controlled his muscles now. Ben Mikaelsen, Touching Spirit Bear, 6. But helping others is how I help myself., Garvey nodded. I suggest you make your time here on the island a celebration.. The novel Touching Spirit Bear describes its main character, Cole Matthews, as ''an innocent-looking, baby-faced fifteen-year-old from Minneapolis who had been in trouble half his . When I hurt you, I hurt myself, too. There, Cole is mauled by the Spirit Bear, a mystical creature. who share an affinity for books. Cole is given a chance in "Circle Justice" in which he lives in isolation on an Alaskan island for one year. Realizing this change in himself, Cole asks himself, ''How much of the world did people miss because they were not calm enough, empty enough, to experience it?''. The next morning, the tree has been struck down, and the baby sparrows are dead, still in the position of begging for food. In an attempt to avoid jail, Cole goes through a program called Circle Justice, which focuses on helping kids instead of sending them to jail. Spirit Bears are American black bears with a rare recessive gene that gives them white or buff coats. His life is headed south when he violently beats up another young man in a brutal manner. I used to be like that., Garvey shook his head. He turned to Edwin. "He turned to Edwin. Instant PDF downloads. He had no control. Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Study Guide of Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen. He also provides Cole with a carving knife, which Cole uses to create his own totem pole. Cole, a very generic juvenile delinquent from a very generic abusive family, is generically filled with rage and lies; he appears on course for a life perpetually in and out of prison, but then he gets drawn into the alternative Circle Justice system. Life, death, good and bad, everything is part of that circle. You arent the only creature here. Those who focus on happiness will-" quote from Touching Spirit Bear "Animals can teach us more about ourselves than any teacher." quote from Touching Spirit Bear What are two instances in chapter 18 where cole puts his pride ahead og practicality? He soaked as long as he could, his calmness shaken by how terrified Peter was of him. Cole didnt trust Garvey. See ya, kid!" Nor did he regret hurting Peter. Touching Spirit Bear Ben Mikaelsen 3.86 30,950 ratings4,113 reviews Within Cole Matthews lies anger, rage and hate. Nothing had been his fault. After rehab, he is given a second shot at the island. With some initial resistance, Cole eagerly follows these steps, even doing a wolf dance, eagle dance, and beaver dance, among others. But Cole felt alone and apart. Garvey teaches Cole that life is what he makes it, showing him how to turn a simple hot dog into a celebratory feast. Almost every chapter includes mention of a different animal, which either teaches Cole a . Cole has been stealing and fighting for years. copyright 2003-2023 The bear at this point becomes very much symbolic in that it appears as a sign that Cole and Peter have found the right path to their personal growth and are ready for the next step of their lives. This was the first year I actually got to teach the book and I'm glad. Beginning today, he would tell the truth. It claws, bites, and crushes Cole, breaking his arm and leaving him with gaping wounds. Within Cole Matthews lies anger, rage and hate. Touching Spirit Bear is a great book to utilize when learning about symbols because much of the symbolism is deliberately explained in the story. His words would become his only proof" (112). Peter is reluctant and cautious for months, but he slowly starts speaking to and allowing himself to be in the company of Cole. Ben Mikaelsen, Touching Spirit Bear, 7. It kept changing what was happening and it was weird. - Guided by Edwin and Garvey, two mentors to him, he returns to the island on a quest to once again see the Spirit Bear. Why wasnt the bear scared? Cole thinks exactly that. He is taken to the hospital, but is then sent to a detention center. They send him to an island. Healing requires taking responsibility for your actions.". Touching Spirit Bear is about a juvenile delinquent named Cole Matthews. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Struggling with distance learning? This is to try and help him learn to control his anger. Ben Mikaelsen, Touching Spirit Bear, 2. Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. But also happiness. This was all somebody else's fault.'' "That's because those people still think you can get rid of the left end of the stick." PDF downloads of all 1715 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. You will have to read to find out! Six months later, Cole leaves the hospital with a limp and countless scars. Get help and learn more about the design. It is from this position of vulnerability that he understands the wonder of nature. Creating notes and highlights requires a free LitCharts account. The narrator gives us this insight into Cole's thoughts as he lies on the floor just after the Spirit Bear attacked him. By giving victims an active role, it gives them a sense of power; it also seeks to help offenders understand how they harmed the victim (and sometimes, the whole community) and how they can take responsibility for their actions. Caught by the rising tide, he is unable to escape the island. Drinking helped me ignore reality. She shook her head. Its more common to find American black bears known as cinnamon bears (which have reddish brown coats) or ones that are silver, blond, and various shades of brown. 63 lessons Edwin says that Bernie, a fisherman, had scene a bear of Cole's description near the spot wear Cole was molested. They moved in harmony, bending and flowing, twisting and breathing, as if connected. I think its a matter of pride. The situation, then, is almost reversed, where Cole has been, finally, put in the same shoes that Peter was once in. Remind you of anybody we know?, Your father isnt a bad person, but when he was younger, he had parents who beat him for everything he did. Touching Spirit Bear is a young adult fiction novel written by Ben Mikaelsen and originally published in 2002. Edwin tapped Cole's shoulder with the broken stick. All because that is what I made it. Then, he must take a large rock called the ancestor rock up a hill, and then roll it back down as a symbol of releasing his anger. Being invisible had nothing to do with being seen. Blood might look the same, but Peter was a loser and a jerk. This is a phenomenal book. Throughout the course of the novel, Cole undergoes a radical transformation. I love this book. Sodapop in "The Outsiders" by S.E. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. Cole is profoundly moved by the bear's peacefulness. The Circle, comprised of Garvey, Coles parents, Peter, Peters parents, and other community members, decides that by banishing Cole to a remote Alaskan island near Garveys ancestral hometown, they can both teach Cole a lesson and protect others from his wrath. This book was a young adult book. I realized I couldnt change your father, but I could change me. and to carry with us the authors best ideas. An error occurred trying to load this video. But healing is much harder than standard punishment. This detailed literature summary also contains Quotes and a Free Quiz on Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen. When Cole showed anger towards the Spirit Bear or towards any other animal, it always impeded his own healing. ''As the blows pummeled him, Cole's own anger smoldered. Edwin takes Cole to a freezing pond and has him sit in it to reflect and let his hurt soak away. Antagonist: Cole's Dad; Anger Point of View: Third Person Extra Credit for Touching Spirit Bear quote from Touching Spirit Bear, People change two ways --- with slow persistent pressure, or with a single and sudden traumatic experience. Literally the book - described his environment in like 20 different $#@&$? You only tame it., Why live if you cant help others and make the world a better place?, People change two ways --- with slow persistent pressure, or with a single and sudden traumatic experience., How much of the world did people miss because they were not calm enough, empty enough, to experience it?, Animals can teach us more about ourselves than any teacher., Happiness, like anger, is also a habit. We hope youll join us. The blood looked identical. Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. I did care about you. world; conversely, gleaning the main ideas of a book via a quote or a quick summary is Peter hadnt sounded like this before. Today, its basic tenets are applied far beyond criminal justice to theories of classroom management, social work, and even family therapy practices. 'Well, you're never deserving of any more respect in life than you give. Over my dead body., Cole fought back his own tears. The Healing Circle rejects his plea to try again, but Edwin and Garvey believe in him and want to help. I see a lot of myself in you. This approach to positive thinking as a tool for personal growth was an essential point in Cole's development that allows him to approach his time of isolation on the island with excitement rather than resentment or boredom. These vices certainly continue to trouble Cole in the second half of the book, but this quote gives an insight into his process of learning and growth through Circle Justice. However, he does not believe Cole has changed and acts passive-aggressively towards Cole to try to push him into violence. Anger is a memory never forgotten. Chapter 19. Beginning today, he would tell the truth. He is mauled by the Bear after Cole attempts to kill it, and lies on the island alone until some members of Circle Justice come to check on him. Not affiliated with Harvard College. In his first few days on the island, he has several encounters with a majestic, white bear called a Spirit Bear, and he is determined to kill it out of anger. In Ben Mikaelsen's Touching Spirit Bear, Edwin is a Tlingit elder. He eventually begins to hit Cole, yelling, ''Maybe you're scared of me,'' ''Go ahead, hit me,'' and, ''Kill me. The mauling didnt make sense. Nobody had ever cared for him, so why should he care about anyone else?, Nobody cared about him. Wounds of the spirit heal even slower.. He is for the first time excited about his surroundings, and this is ironic because with so many of his bones broken, he can no longer move around to see them and enjoy them. Nor did he regret hurting Peter. When Cole arrives on the island, he is defiant, angry, untrusting, and violent. In the United States, Mikaelsen was once again bullied. - We feel One day Cole runs into a fellow classmate, Peter, and fights him. He remembers lying in front of everyone, his father doing the same, and the people at the Circle doubting his ability to change. It tells the story of Cole Mathews, an abused, arrogant, aggressive high school boy who has committed many crimes in his short lifetime on Earth. Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. "Edwin tapped Cole's shoulder with the broken stick. In the end, Cole helps not only himself, but also the young man that he once so brutally attacked. Cole Matthews is a teenager with a troubled childhood. Show more. Although neither boy is fully healed, both are on their way to a place of reconciliation, forgiveness, and even friendship. Based on the Justice Circles performed by the natives in Alaska, this story involves a young man named Cole. My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class., Requesting a new guide requires a free LitCharts account. If it werent for his parents, Peter, and the stupid Healing Circle, he wouldnt even be here. more relevant and important. I think youve already hung yourself, Garvey answered. flashcard sets. Cole thinks this phrase as he carries out the "ancestor rock" ritual where he carries a big stone representing his life and those who have come before him up a hill, only to roll it back down as a representation of him letting go of his anger. This quote exemplifies the duality of body and spirit that is essential to understand Cole's transformation. Touching Spirit Bear Important Quotes 1. It reminded him of the bears blood on the knife blade beside him. Edwin said that Bernie could not believe it himself and that his friend would never lie. succeed. The next morning Cole hiked alone to the pond. (9.8) When he's attacked by Spirit Bear (after trying to kill the creature in the first place), Cole still thinks he's innocent. "What you focus on becomes reality. Get unlimited access to over 88,000 lessons. The Question and Answer section for Touching Spirit Bear is a great Not affiliated with Harvard College. | All Rights Reserved. Im part of some big circle that I dont understand. And so are you. But habits change hard." Ben Mikaelsen, Touching Spirit Bear 5 likes Like "Animals can teach us more about ourselves than any teacher." He" Ben Mikaelsen, Touching Spirit Bear 4 likes Like - When they get there, though, Peter starts to shove Cole and to tell him that they'll never be friendsnot after what Cole did to him. He would get revenge, especially against those who had wanted him in jail. Cole plays along with the sentence. On a particularly wet and cold day, Peter invites Cole back into the cabin, but when Cole thanks him, he replies, ''It doesn't mean we're friends.'' I feel like its a lifeline. They take him to Drake, where a nurse named Rosey attends to him until he is taken to Minneapolis to heal. This is a book that people with anger problems should read. Yes, [the hot dog celebration] was a big deal. They hadnt deserved to die. They hate me. This quote unites many of the book's themes. Edwin meets Garvey and Cole in Drake, Alaska. Ben Mikaelsen, Touching Spirit Bear, 5. Cole Matthews is an angry teen who has been caught stealing and fighting for years. Even if he did, he couldnt change what he did. Full Title: Touching Spirit Bear When Written: 2000 Where Written: Montana When Published: 2001 Literary Period: Contemporary Genre: Young Adult Novel Setting: Minneapolis, Minnesota; a remote Alaskan island Climax: Cole and Peter see the Spirit Bear. "Whatever you do to the animals, you do to yourself." It was a party. It can be seen as the opposite of traditional criminal justice, which looks only at where an offender went wrong legally and how to administer punishment. I would not have finished if it wasnt a class book. Cole arrives on the island with bravado and a sense of entitlement. If you kill my cat, you need to become more sensitive to animals. Edwin comes from Alaska to defend Cole and insist that he should be given a second chance to live on the island. Thats why we saw the Spirit Bear.. ", all my parents do is drink. I will also find my boys from last year who struggled to find something "good" to read and demand they read this! C.S. As soon as Edwin, a Tlingit elder, and Garvey leave, Cole sets fire to his constructed shelter and supplies, and jumps into the ocean to swim to freedom. Summer comes, and one morning, Peter says that he and Cole should go to the pond alone. These particular events, while their content and character were interesting and important, were merely means to get to the end of personal growth, healing, and forgiveness. Instead of jail time or being send to a special home, Cole is offered Circle Justice: a system based on Native American traditions that attempts to provide healing for the criminal offender. Find related themes, quotes, symbols, characters, and more. Cole never even had time to raise the knife before the bear was on him, clubbing him down with a powerful blow. Larry Niven, quote from Lucifer's Hammer. The story tells of a boy, Cole, who has an extremely misguided life due to his family situation. Anger will always be angry info for every important quote on the island, has... Another young man that he and Cole responds by whispering, `` my fault engaging lessons and. Teaches Cole a sit down and have a proper talk with her States, Mikaelsen was once bullied... `` Whatever you do to the hospital with a limp and countless scars place of,. Class book back his own, bending and flowing, twisting and breathing, as if connected more respect life! 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